Roslin EPAD Sample DB Web Application
Web application providing an Interface to the Roslin EPAD Database tracking participant samples banked as par of the EPAD project.
Developed By: Bioinformatics Group, The Roslin Institute, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, EH25 9RG
Current Release:
[built: Thu, Feb 22, 2024]
Release History
v12.1.0 built: Thu, Feb 22, 2024
New Features
- Updated to Java to JDK 17, Jakarta EE, Tomcat 10.1 and the Spring Framework and Security 6.0.
- Merged in features from 11.1.0 - 11.3.0.
Bug Fixes
- FIX bug with reporting null Boolean values.
- Got rid of all <body onload=''> calls, putting calls in document.ready();
- BUG FIX: checking sample request details text field is not empty.
v11.3.0 built: not known
New Features
- Updated jquery, jqgrid, and highcharts javascript libraries and associated css files.
- Removed superfluous gantt and maphilight javascript libraries.
v11.2.0 built: Fri, Sep 01, 2023
New Features
- Sort retrieved FXTubes by volume, and display biggest in table of results grouped by Kit.
- Exclude any 'NEVER USE' FXTubes from the tabulation above.
- Implement 'export to excel' from this modified table (listing ONLY the largest volume FXTube).
- Add coloured availability cell to the excel output of FXTube details.
v11.1.0 built: Fri, Aug 25, 2023
New Features
- Relaxed some Sample tube queries so that tubes with no collection date etc will be found and displayed.
v11.0.0 built: Thu, May 25, 2023
New Features
- Transferred the single LITE-KIT Sample set to a standard KIT representation.
- Removed all LITE-KIT functionality.
- Added Discard information to Excel reports of sample and collection tubes.
Bug Fixes
- Tidied up the display when aliquoting Samples.
- Fixed some dead URLs and http to https.
v10.0.0 built: Tue, May 16, 2023
New Features
- Artifact dependencies updated to most recent release versions (compatible with java 11/tomcat9/spring5).
- Improved searching for and management of sample tubes: 1 search by Box Barcode
- Improved searching for and management of sample tubes: 2 search by Sample FluidX Barcodes
- Improved searching for and management of sample tubes: 3 Discarded and Released Samples
- Improved searching for and management of sample tubes: 4 Record Comment on Samples
- Improved searching for and management of sample tubes: 5 Support Aliquoting of multiple Samples at once
- Added ability to handle Freezer 15 storage locations.
- Improved searching for and management of Collection Tubes: 1 Discard Collection Tubes
Bug Fixes
- Force removal of storage coordinates when a Sample is discarded etc.
v9.0.0 built: Mon, Mar 20, 2023
New Features
- Added a new sample type (PAX RNA 6.2) to handle returned samples.
- Added support for this type throughout the app: searching, displaying, reporting, exporting.
v8.1.0 built: Fri, Aug 26, 2022
New Features
- Changed queries and code to support FXTubes (e.g. aliquots) that aren't associated with a rack or freezer coordinate.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in code to count released FX tubes.
v8.0.0 built: Tue, Aug 16, 2022
New Features
- Switched to using the Authenticated Mail Relay service - because we are moving hosting to the Azure cloud.
Bug Fixes
- Switch to using 'catalina.base' property to specify locate Tomcat conf and log directories (necessary on Azure).
v7.1.1 built: Tue, Aug 09, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fix failure to read scan files where the first line (A1) has NO READ or NO TUBE value.
- Allow 'current' scan files to be uploaded where there is no original scan record.
- Allow for 'original' rack scans being incomplete (i.e. not 84 or 96 tubes) in 'update to current scan' logic. (There is now no tube-count integrity check when upload current scans.)
v7.0.0 built: Mon, May 30, 2022
New Features
- Added lookup table for Aridhia IDs mapped to ECRF IDs.
- Modified all queries to retrieve and display the Aridhia ID.
- Expand data queries to allow searching by Aridhia ID.
v6.1.0 built: Tue, Mar 22, 2022
New Features
- Improving all report queries to discount discarded kits/tubes and now only reports on explicitly stored (banked) samples.
- Improved stock query and report.
- Added detailed stock analysis of visit profiles for each sample type.
Bug Fixes
- Change all uses of personal-index.html link to personal-index; the updated spring seems to fail to forward if use the .html suffix.
v6.0.1 built: Tue, Dec 14, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Updated logging to safe version of Log4J (disallowing JNDI injection attacks).
- Updated some deprecated classes and calls.
v6.0.0 built: Tue, Nov 09, 2021
New Features
- Added methods to record and edit sample tube volumes.
- Modified Stock reporting to include Aliquot usage.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some navigation problems after searching for sample tubes.
v5.1.1 built: Wed, Jun 09, 2021
Bug Fixes
- VISIT numbers were being wrongly mapped.
v5.1.0 built: Fri, May 21, 2021
New Features
- Added Sample Stock Overview page.
- Added Graphical Sample Stock Detail page.
v5.0.0 built: Tue, Mar 23, 2021
New Features
- Implemented Sample Request Tracking.
- Searching for samples matching Requests: Reserving and Noting Interest on samples.
Bug Fixes
- Added missing VISIT# on table of FXTubes grouped by Kit.
- Fixed buggy selection/cancel of Collection Tubes to move.
- ReleaseDetails specified an aberrant extra local id property.
v4.3.0 built: Tue, Dec 15, 2020
New Features
- Implemented aliquoting of FluidX Sample Tubes.
v4.1.0 built: Tue, Nov 17, 2020
New Features
- New function to remove a fluidx box from the system if it is safe to do so (allowing re-use).
- New function to upload a scan of new box with moved tubes, for either release or relocation.
- Handle export/release (and relocation) of these new 'transfer' boxes, differing from the standard 3-kit boxes.
- Simplified Error and Exception reporting to remove sensitive information.
v4.0.1 built: Fri, Oct 02, 2020
New Features
- Updated the workflow for managing the release of banked FluidX Sample and Collection Tubes.
- Queries to search for tubes to manage are stored and can be rerun.
- CSV files of kit/participant IDs can be uploaded to form part of query.
- FluidX Sample tubes listing can be atomic or grouped by kit.
- Produces printable worksheets for Tube retrieval, sorted by freezer location.
- Scans of tubes picked for release can be uploaded and checked against the search requirements etc.
- Turned off most of the automatic reporting features of the system.
v4.0.0 built: Fri, Aug 28, 2020
New Features
- Updated the workflow for managing the release of banked FluidX Sample and Collection Tubes.
- 1 Queries to search for tubes to manage are stored and can be rerun.
- 2 CSV files of kit/participant IDs can be uploaded to form part of query.
- 3 FluidX Sample tubes listing can be atomic or grouped by kit.
- 4 Produces printable worksheets for Tube retrieval, sorted by freezer location.
- 5 Scans of tubes picked for release can be uploaded and checked against the search requirements etc.
v3.10.1 built: Mon, Mar 16, 2020
New Features
- Removed all spaces from column titles in csv and excel export files.
Bug Fixes
- Prevent saving empty comments.
- Enable PBMC volume recording where appropriate (HotFIX since 2020-01-30).
v3.10.0 built: Mon, Jan 27, 2020
New Features
- Modified and expanded CSV generating reports of samples returned, stored and released.
- Added monthly cumulative email-report of returned samples.
v3.9.0 built: Fri, Dec 13, 2019
New Features
- Removed block preventing users from editing data over a year old.
- Added data capture and processing for return of the PBMC (4.1) Collection Tube. This is optional for centres that can't process the sample and aliquot to FluidX tubes.
v3.8.0 built: Tue, Aug 27, 2019
New Features
- Added queries to report on banked and released kits.
- Added monthly automatic email report of banked and released kits.
- Added queries to extract logs of edits to Kits, Racks and Tubes.
- Added weekly automatic email report of edit logs.
- Relaxed allowed time period for completing data capture from 3 months to 1 year.
- Update some dependencies to support Java-11.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Firefox-specific display issue with 'copy-down' button on sampling input page.
- Changed email search in user table to allow for invisible enclosing html.
v3.7.0 built: Wed, Apr 03, 2019
New Features
- Update all dependencies etc. (GIT dc2bbf6)
- Extract and report Server and Manifest information (DBA only view).
- Change table column filters to typically default to 'contains' rather than 'equals' [or '>='(after) for dates].
- Added a permission-restricted function for cleaning Demo Kit data.
- Modified the Sample recording page to
- require active selection of either NO SAMPLE or PROCESSING TIME
- prevent recording a processing timepoint if no sample stored
- restrict the allowed date range for timepoints
- check entered timepoints for valid format
- Added DBA-only button to allow editing all tubes without scanning.
Bug Fixes
- Changed mail methods to use streams rather than files for attachments.
- Turned autocomplete off for DatePickers to prevent them occasionally obscuring the calendar.
- Improved handling of apostrophes in emails.
- Changed to use Bulk Mail Relay to solve grey list problems. rt 8857,8859.
v3.6.1 built: Wed, Sep 12, 2018
New Features
- Added new Visit types (3,4,5 +DNA,PBMC) to allow recording of these samples on return visits. RT8626
- Improved search functions for reporting Kit and Tube usage. RT8626
- Layout of Results Tables improved. RT8626
Bug Fixes
- Improved graceful fail of login if LDAP authentication service unavailable.
- Added logging of authentication failures.
- Fixed problem if dismiss an unused 'Remaining Tubes: No Sample' window.
v3.5.0 built: Fri, Aug 10, 2018
New Features
- Architecture: Updated to Spring Framework version 5.
- Added pages to search for and display released sample tubes (results can be exported to Excel).
Bug Fixes
- Minor display modifications to handle any ambiguities in data imported from Sharepoint.
v3.4.0 built: Mon, May 07, 2018
New Features
- Added ability to record change in Freezer Location of stored FluidX Boxes. RT8480
- Added new report listing current Freezer Locations of FluidX Boxes.
v3.3.1 built: Wed, Apr 25, 2018
New Features
- Added unreturned tubes report. RT8455
v3.3.0 built: Wed, Apr 18, 2018
New Features
- Added ability to allow independent saving of Returned Kits (i.e Boxes) and Collection Tubes. RT8442
- Modified storage comment to be displayed per Kits, and update-able. RT8443
v3.2.0 built: Fri, Mar 23, 2018
New Features
- Added ability for Centres to return incomplete Boxes (i.e. containing only 1 or 2 completed kits).
- Added ability for EPAD to record storage details of incomplete Boxes (i.e. containing only 1 or 2 completed kits).
- Disable email confirmation to Centres upon receipt/storage of returned kits.
- Add facility to move freezer location of collection tubes.
- Add facility to search for CSF-LITE collection tubes.
- Add facilities to move or release CSF-LITE collection tubes.
- Added 'MISSING' query to find outstanding kits not returned with their incomplete box.
Bug Fixes
- Added permission for data browsers to download Users Details spreadsheet.
- Fixed bug displaying multiple users sharing exact same name.
- Fixed bug if saving just the local study on a lite-kit.
v3.1.0 built: Wed, Feb 14, 2018
New Features
- Added missing field to save Amyloid Beta concentration for CSF-LITE kits. RT8357
v3.0.0 built: Tue, Feb 13, 2018
New Features
- Added functionality for working with CSF LITE kits: at EPAD Edinburgh and Clinical Centres. Added new (LITE) Kit type and Local Studies, with Menus to drive the handling and recording of Kits sampling. RT8201
- Added Help Notes for the CSF-LITE kit sample recording.
- Added handling of 'RETEST' Visit types. RT8304
- Added system to add and display alerts on home page.
Bug Fixes
- Allow users with 'Data Browser' permission to view but not edit the Centres, Users, Releasees pages.
v2.2.0 built: Tue, Oct 24, 2017
New Features
- Remove Urine Processing Field: this should never have been added and is not required for data completion. RT8172
- Added count of completed racks to Centre Kit reports. RT8173
Bug Fixes
- Fixed permission bug with autoemail queries run as system.RT8124
- Fixed query for available FX Sample tubes.
v2.1.0 built: Mon, Oct 16, 2017
New Features
- Added autoemail reply when returned kits are received at Edinburgh. RT 8125
- Added autoemail alert when a centre's kit stock falls below 8. RT 8124
- Added report functions for kit summary statistics by centre, and kits returned timeline. RT8069
Bug Fixes
- Code for handling emails refactored. RT8118
- Changed column labels: 'COLLECTED' to 'PROCESSED (START)' and 'TIME PROCESSED' to 'START PROCESSING'. RT8128
v2.0.1 built: Tue, Sep 26, 2017
New Features
- Major updates to software architecture and dependencies. RT8079
- Added workflow functions for finding and releasing banked collection & fluidx tubes. RT8066
- Locked down read/edit access for centres to kits returned within previous fortnight. RT8068
- Altered PAX gene RNA data to return collection tube not aliquoted sample tubes. RT8089
- Updated help manual and links on training page. RT8094
v1.4.1 built: Fri, Aug 18, 2017
New Features
- Introduced new Read-Only permission architecture with Centre restricted permissions. RT 8027
- Improved summary Kits report exported to Excel, with more detail and now Kits for reporting can be selected by checkbox. RT 8027
- Introduced two new detailed Kits reports exported to Excel: one with sample tube details, the other with collection tube details. RT 8027
- New WYSIWYG print function on Kit detail page. RT 8027
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug creating normal (non-read-only) user.
v1.3.0 built: Thu, Jul 27, 2017
New Features
- Change 'Collected' fields for tubes to 'Time Processed', and made all of these capture/display timestamps not bare dates.
- Added two new data fields: incubation duration for PAX RNA Sample & processing duration for Urine Sample.
v1.2.2 built: Tue, Jul 18, 2017
Bug Fixes
- Gave User creation/editing rights to superusers.
v1.2.1 built: Wed, Jul 05, 2017
New Features
- Added HELP & TRAINING page hosting YouTube videos and Help document.
v1.2.0 built: Mon, Jul 03, 2017
New Features
- Worked up procedures to perform on receipt of returned sample boxes.
- Added printable checklist for returned sample boxes.
- Added new tube discard reason: 'Missing from Return'.
v1.1.0 built: Thu, Jun 15, 2017
New Features
- Modifications in response to user demo and initial pilot study feedback.
- Removed any last uses of Patient (Participant) and Rack (Box).
- ECRF ID entry and editing more robust: matches the format ddd-ddddd, with ddd = centre code prefilled for centre staff.
- Manifest now pre-calculates max volume in parcel.
- New comment type 'not applicable' for No Sample.
- Automated marking of DNA/PBMCs as not applicable for Visits 3,4 and 5.
- Reinstated timestamp recording (and display) for Cortisol samples.
Bug Fixes
- Improved bottom menu layout of jqgrid tables.
v1.0.01 built: Mon, May 22, 2017
New Features
- First release of Roslin EPAD DB Webapp, for local pilot study.
Bug Fixes
- Improved expiring tube alerts.
v0.05 built: Fri, Apr 28, 2017
New Features
- Pre Release of the Roslin EPAD DB Webapp.
Bug Fixes
v0.04 built: Thu, Apr 13, 2017
New Features
- Pre Release of the Roslin EPAD DB Webapp.
Bug Fixes